
2020.06.23 鶴ヶ丘の授業


長年にわたって本校の英語教育に携わってくれているJonathan Edwards先生に,鶴ケ丘の英語の授業について紹介をしてもらっています!





Year 2 – Semester 2 – BOTH –

Because of the foreign trip for both the tokushin and the regular classes, this semester is similar for both.  We begin the semester by studying interesting points of the country that they will visit.  By the second week we practice practical English that the students will use in that country.  Topics include: Shopping, Finding your way around town, and Ordering at a restaurant.  The students in the tokushin course also prepare a short introduction of themselves and our school to be presented to their “buddy” whom they will meet during their high school visit in the foreign country.

After they have returned from abroad, both classes have a short 5-6 week course on story design.  This is a follow-on to the poetry course.  We believe that by writing in a more fluid form, the students will gain a better command of the English language.  Additionally, as the stories are written together with partners, the students must learn how to express themselves in a way so that others may understand them.

第2学年―2学期―普通コース・特進コース 共通―






